Researching Slavery & Colonialism (Podcast by Sciences Po students)

Espace des arts du campus de Nancy de Sciences Po Paris. Fresco made for the former Geology School in the 1950s

To conclude our workshop on 'Researching Slavery and Colonialism', my SciencesPo students had to produce a podcast on one of the aspects covered during the sessions. You can listen to their podcasts here ⏬

Pour conclure notre atelier sur Researching Slavery & Colonialism, mes étudiants de SciencesPo ont réalisé des podcasts que vous pouvez écouter sur Soundcloud

Podcasts produced by SciencesPo students researching Slavery & Colonialism in Nancy

Bismarck's Statue In Hamburg- Mohamed & Camille

Cape Coast Castle - Rosa & Armelle

Colonialism And The Environment- Lou & Yann

Guided Tour Of The Museum- Ael & Raphael

Indian War Graves - Far From Home- Bianca & Justine

Berlin's African District-Interview Tahir Della-Alma & Jeanne

Music And Slavery Colonialism- Carolina & Ranja


Carte Nancy Colonies

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